A new, international piece of world-class physical theatre about displacement, movement and being forced to find a new home.

“A pulsing, heart-wrenching, ultimately hopeful piece of physical theatre.” – ★★★★ The Stage

Multi-award winning theatre companies Good Chance and Gecko’s groundbreaking performance with over 200 young people in public spaces in the UK and Europe, all about children’s right to safety, whoever they are, wherever they are from.

From Here On marks the 85th anniversary of the Kindertransport, when nearly 10,000 Jewish children were given safe passage to the UK from Nazi-occupied Europe. It is an artistic remembrance of that history, as well as an urgent call for empathy and action for displaced young people in the present.

At train stations, harbours and beaches in London, Harwich, Dover, The Hague and Berlin, our international companies of young people and members of the Gecko ensemble presented the world premieres of new pieces of breathtaking physical theatre telling the story of 85 years of displacement and welcome.

Stand in Solidarity

We are proud to be partnering with Safe Passage International, standing in solidarity with their vital and urgent work to ensure routes to safety for refugees and family reunification for all unaccompanied children around the world, and their three current projects to enable safe passage for young people from Afghanistan, Gaza and Ukraine.

Marking the 85th anniversary of the Kindertransport, we learn from the PAST

to empower new acts of solidarity and call for safety for all in the PRESENT

and to imagine and create a safer FUTURE with the next generation.

Click HERE to add your voice to the call for safety and welcome.

Find out more about From Here On and what safe routes look like today HERE.









“Thank you so much for everything, this project meant the world to me and it really saved me. It gifted me with a family in the UK. I’m so grateful.”

- Avin, Essex Young Cast

From Here On Events

  • Each performance of From Here On will be a powerful 35 minute piece of physical theatre - focusing on movement to tell stories, rather than speech - with 40 young people performing alongside 10 professional Gecko performers.

    The piece will move between the past through to the present. This includes telling the story of children leaving Germany on the Kindertransport trains and boats, alongside similar journeys that have taken place during the past 85 years, including the stories of young people seeking sanctuary today.

    Content Information: From Here On contains themes of migration, displacement and the challenges faced by people seeking sanctuary, some of which are of a distressing nature. Please consider suitability for anyone under age 11. For specific content information please email

“I am worried what will happen when contemporary witnesses have all gone and people might stop being interested in “these old stories”. I see the powerful effect of my visits to German schools. I fear antisemitism is returning and the only way to fight it is education. I hope that people will learn to live in peace together and be tolerant because we are all the same: human beings.” - Kurt Marx, who came across on the Kindertransport as a child and is on the From Here On advisory board

Call for Safety

The Kindertransport was a historic act of welcome led not by governments but by ordinary people from charities and voluntary organisations working together to bring Jewish children to the UK from Nazi-occupied Europe. It shows us how powerful individuals and communities can be in making real change: to call out the impact of anti-refugee policies around the world and make asylum systems more humane. We’re calling on people from all walks of life to act again.

We are proud to be partnering with Safe Passage International and supporting their urgent call for a compassionate refugee system: to open safe routes and to ensure family reunification for unaccompanied children from across the world, including through their three current region-specific projects for children in Afghanistan, Gaza and Ukraine.

While the majority of unaccompanied children claiming asylum in the UK supported by Safe Passage International are from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iran, Sudan and Syria, children from many other countries and regions around the world are being displaced from their homes every day and in many cases this rarely reaches the mainstream news.

Through From Here On, we draw attention to the current lack of safe routes for children, which force people to risk their lives on dangerous journeys. And we’ll highlight the urgent need for this to change, for people to safely find new homes and be welcomed into new communities.

Will you add your voice to the call for safety and welcome, to push the new Government to stand on the right side of history and make the asylum system more humane? The smallest acts can make the biggest difference.

From Here On profoundly touches me because it explores the powerful theme of our origins migration and its historical impact in our society by raising awareness by sharing our special stories, our homes. By engaging with our young people from various communities, it sheds light on the Kindertransport's importance and the invaluable contributions to us refugees have made to our British society. This project not only offers crucial historical insights but also encourages us to think deeply about our current refugee issues, making it incredibly timely and meaningful. If we did help in the past, we can now.” - Nouralhuda Idriss, member of From Here On Advisory Group and Safe Passage Young Leader

From Here On tackles the issue of child refugees with blazing honesty, deeply-held concern and sun-ripened humanity.”
- The Cambridge Critique

“A beautiful meaningful show. My five year old turned me into tears after the show and said sometimes there are sad things that are scary but there is always hope. Thank you!” - Audience Member, Harwich

“Very moving, emotional, scary and hopeful. Connected me with what’s happening in the wider world. It was beautiful.” - Audience Member, London

“Watching with my new 2 year old I feel more inspired more than ever for her to know her local history and of the world so the memory of this evidence and people never dies. To have the opportunity to do so with help from moving productions such as this is a great gift to the next generation.” - Audience Member, Harwich

For Schools

A Day of Welcome

Through From Here On, Good Chance and Gecko are also working with The Day of Welcome, a UK Schools of Sanctuary and Anglia Ruskin University initiative. This is an annual day of solidarity and learning in schools that aims to build a culture of welcome and understanding for people seeking sanctuary, celebrated by over 500 schools and up to 200,000 young people across the UK each year. 

In 2024, we are collaborating to create a Q&A resource centred on the Kindertransport and contemporary safe routes for children with Nour Adam, From Here On advisory board member and Safe Passage Young Leader, for young people to share questions with Nour on the Day of Welcome and hear them answered in a resource for teachers and families to use throughout the year. 

We will also create a full schools resource in 2025 centred around a film of the From Here On performances, and provide teachers with a workshop plan to teach children about the history of the Kindertransport and contemporary experiences of seeking sanctuary.

Meet the Team

  • For Gecko

    Eera Gupta, Ishita Raina, Jack Norris, Katie Lusby, Lucia Chocarro, Mario García-Patrón Álvarez, Nathan Bartman, Saju Hari, Vanessa Guevara Flores, Vivian Luk

    Young People

    Alongside the professional Gecko ensemble, we worked with 40 young people in each of London and Essex, and 10 young people in Dover, plus many more in The Hague and Berlin to form our local casts.

    Our young performers were representative of over 20 different countries, whether through lived experience of seeking sanctuary in the UK or through a family history of migration: from Afghanistan to Somalia, from Burundi to Iran, from Germany to Hong Kong.

  • Creative & Production Team

    Amit Lahav, Director
    Andres Velasquez, Associate Director
    Sophia Clist, Set, Costume & Props Designer
    Michael Crean, Sound Designer
    Zac Gvirtzman, Composer
    Mat Ort, Production Manager
    Alexandra Kharibian, Costume Supervisor
    Leah Butterworth, Stage Manager
    Joni-Ann Falconer, Deputy Stage Manager
    Amir Hussain Ibrahimi, Production Assistant

    Yvonne Gilbert, Development Sound Designer

    TEA films, Film Production Company

    Local Teams


    Emma Hayes, London Local Producer
    Jasmine Ricketts, London Facilitator
    Michelle Ezeuko, London Workshop Assistant
    Nathan Bartman and Vanessa Guevara Flores, Young People’s Directors


    Cassie Catchpole, Essex Local Producer
    Maryam Noorhimli, Essex Facilitator
    Zehra Bilgin, Essex Workshop Assistant
    Katie Lusby and Mario García-Patrón Álvarez, Young People’s Directors


    Jodie Cole, Dover Local Producer
    Andres Velasquez and Lucia Chocarro, Young People’s Directors
    Kent Refugee Action Network team

    Good Chance team

    Gecko team
    including Malachy Luckie, Photography
    and Mark Sepple, Hero Image Photographer

  • Dr Amy Williams, Kindertransport Historical Adviser
    Safe Passage International
    Karen Bastick-Styles, Safeguarding Consultant
    Justin McLaren, Communications Consultant (8HWE)
    Elahe Ziai, Communications Consultant (IMIX)
    Alice Sewell, Communications Consultant

    Advisory Group

    From Here On is supported and has been informed by a wide range of partners and individuals, including an Advisory Group of people with lived experience including young people who have been through the UK asylum system, a Kindertransport refugee, an education specialist, a communications expert with lived experience of displacement and specialist in this communications area, leaders of Jewish community and arts organisations, theatre directors and practitioners from a range of heritages and backgrounds, and local community specialists.


    Lord Alf Dubs and Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley, who both came to the UK as refugees on the Kindertransport.

    Further Acknowledgments

    The stories of young people seeking sanctuary depicted in the performance are inspired by testimonies of individuals who have recently sought sanctuary in the UK including from the book 'Child Migrant Voices in Modern Britain' by Eithne Nightingale.

    Thank you to Tendring District Council and British Land for hosting the Harwich & London performances respectively.

From Here On has been created in partnership with

and has been generously supported by

and German Federal Foreign Office, Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust, Jessica Foung and Alexander & Brenda Leff

See Safe Passage's Routes to Safety campaign for more information about current threats to safe routes for children.

“As former child refugees ourselves, we are speaking out together, knowing how the welcome you receive in a new country can chart out the very future you will go on to enjoy. We would never accept this for our own children, and we should never accept it for children who find themselves alone and isolated in our asylum system.”

Lord Alf Dubs, Kindertransport refugee, Labour peer and From Here On project Patron, and Guli Francis-Dehqani, Bishop of Chelmsford in a shared statement via inews